
Let's begin with four recent stories:

Story 1
On Tuesday, November 8, 2016, the election of Donald Trump was quite surprising: how could such a controversial figure reach the White House? The reasons, of course, are innumerous. But what if one of them was Facebook? After all, Trump supporters never stopped using this platform to spread out disputed contents. What if voters were brainwashed by “fake news” Facebook contributed to diffuse? What if this extensive interlinking participated in Trump’s advertisement and fundraising? However harsh this claim might be, it seriously harms the image of this Web application that would rather help to “connect people” than to build border walls. It seems then that monitoring needs to be increased, even though it may contradict some assumptions Mark Zuckerberg elevates as precepts. The main target is the “News Feed,” the central column of the application that displays stories posted by Facebook users. What about slightly modifying how News Feed automatically selects new stories in order to make it ignore “low quality posts”? This may help to restore Facebook’s image, at least a little bit. After several months of research and testing, a new algorithm is now operational that – based on frequencies of posts and URLs of links – identifies spam users and automatically deprioritize the links they share. According to Facebook’s vice-president, this new method of computation should significantly reduce the diffusion of “low quality content such as clickbait, sensationalism, and misinformation."
Story 2
Mars is a distant location. But hundreds of millions of kilometers did not dishearten NASA from sending the robotic rover Curiosity to explore its surface. On May 6, 2012, the costly vehicle safely lands on Gale Crater. Quite a feat! Amazing high-resolution pictures are soon available on NASA’s website, showing the world the jagged surface of this cold and arid planet. Of course, Curiosity is far more than a remote-controlled car taking exotic pictures. It is a genuine laboratory on wheels with many high-tech instruments: two cameras for true-color and multispectral imaging, two pairs of black-and-white cameras for navigation, a robotic arm with an ultra-high-definition camera, a laser-induced spectrometer, solar panels, two lithium-ion batteries, and so on. Yet there is an obvious cost to this amazing remote-controlled laboratory: it needs to move its dry 900 kilograms. The sharp, rocky surface of Mars does not alleviate the constant efforts of Curiosity’s wheels, which irremediably wear down. Already in January 2014, the situation has become alarming: is there a way to extend the lifetime of Curiosity’s wheels? After several months of research and testing, a new driving algorithm becomes operational that uses real-time data from the navigation cameras to adjust Curiosity’s speed when it comes to sharp Martian pebbles. By reducing the load of Curiosity’s leading and middle wheels up to 20% and 11%, respectively, this new method of computation for navigation may be a serious boost for the mission.
Story 3
Israeli secret services in the West Bank are used to dismantling organizations they define as “terrorists” by means of “preventive” actions and intimidation. But what about individuals who commit attacks on a whim? Just like several police departments in the United States, Israeli secret services are now supported by a type of security software whose algorithm generates profiles of potential attackers based on aggregated data posted on social media. Yet while several American civil courts are now seriously considering the potential bias of these new methods of computation, Israeli military justice as applied to suspected Palestinian “attackers” prevents them from having any sort of legal protection. Thanks to the ability of the West Bank military commander to stamp administrative detentions, these “dangerous profiles” can be sentenced to renewable six-month incarceration without any possibility of appeal. Many Palestinians targeted by this state-secret technology “have served long years without ever seeing a court.”
Story 4
How can people be made to eat more Nutella? These last years have not been easy for the Italian brand of chocolate jam. When palm oil production threatened remote orangutans, only a small fraction of citizens was eager to criticize its use in Nutella’s recipe. But as soon as palm oil becomes suspected of speeding up the spread of cancer among European Nutella consumers, there starts to be a worrying drop in sales. For Nutella, something needs to be done to reconnect with the stomachs of its customers. What about a fresh new marketing campaign? In collaboration with advertising agency Ogilvy & Mather Italia, seven million uniquely designed Nutella jars are soon produced and sold in record time. At the heart of this successful marketing move is an algorithm that computes a carefully selected set of colors and figures in order to generate unique pop patterns.

What a mess! States of affairs, apparently, change. News Feeds of Facebook users were first subjected to spammers diffusing hoaxes and “fake news” that are presumed to have played a role in the election of Donald Trump. These News Feeds soon became, temporarily, monitored lists of stories worth being read. Similarly, Curiosity’s weight together with sharp Martian pebbles first seriously affected the robot’s wheels, thus compromising the initial duration of the mission. Yet a few changes in the locomotion system soon started to slow down this unexpected wear. In another case, Israeli secret services were at first powerless against attacks not prepared within dismantable cell organizations. Yet these services soon became able to identify suspects and put them in jail without any kind of legal procedure. Finally, Nutella was first an old-fashioned chocolate jam whose recipe included cancer-related palm oil. It then became, temporarily, a personalized pop product. For better or worse, collective configurations are rearranged, thus constituting surprising new states of affairs; relationships between humans and non-humans are reconstituted, thus temporarilly establishing new networks. The collective world – our world – is constantly reshaped in many ways.

That being said, we may wish to comprehend some of the dynamics of these messy rearrangements. After all, as we all have to co-exist on the same planet, getting a clearer view of what is going on could not hurt; documenting a tiny set of the innumerous relationships that constitute the world we live in may equip us with some kind of navigational instrument. Together, where do we go? What are we doing? What is going on? These are – I believe – important questions.

In order to address these questions, two approaches are generally used. Broadly speaking, the first approach consists in postulating the existence of aggregates capable of inducing states of affairs. Depending on academic traditions, such aggregates take different names: they are sometimes called “social classes,” “fields and habitus,” “cultural habits,” or “social structures,” among many other variations. These differently named yet a priori postulated aggregates are all pretenders to the definition of the social (or society), an influential yet evanescent matter that supposedly surrounds individuals and orientates their actions. The scientific study of this matter and the states of affairs it engenders is what I call the science of the social or, more succinctly, social science.

The second approach – the one I try to embrace – consists in considering the social not as an evanescent matter surrounding individuals but as the small difference produced when two entities come into contact and temporarily associate with each other. This approach postulates that every new connection between two actants – humans (Bob, the president, Mark Zuckerberg) or non-human entities (a wheel, a dream, some legal documents) – makes a small difference that can sometimes be accounted for. If we accept calling “social” the small difference produced when two actants temporally associate with each other, we may call “socio-logy” the activity that consists in producing texts (logos) about these associations (socius). Our initial four stories are small examples of such an activity: Facebook, Curiosity, Israeli secret services, and Nutella temporarily associate themselves with new entities, and the blending of these new connections contributes to the formation of new configurations summarized within a text. Had we added several rearrangements and accounted for their constitutive associations a little more thoroughly, we would have produced a genuine sociological work. On the contrary, had we invoked some hidden force in order to explain these reconfigurations; had we attributed the modifications of each state of affairs to some a priori postulated aggregate (e.g., individual rationality, society, culture), we would have produced a small work of social science. This distinction between socio-logy and social science will accompany us throughout this website. It is thus important to keep in mind that my work is – or, at least, is intended to be – sociological.

With these clarifications in mind, let us consider our four small socio-logical exercises. What do we see? We quickly notice that each of the four states of affairs is affected by an “algorithm” – for now, loosely defined as a computerized method of calculation – which, in its own way, contributes to modifying a network of relationships. In every rearrangement, one specific algorithm – well-supported by many other elements (researchers, data, tests, etc.) – participates in making Facebook less subject to the spread of hoaxes (Story 1), Curiosity’s wheels a bit more durable (Story 2), Palestinians radically more “jailable” (Story 3), and Nutella temporarily more salable (Story 4). Along with all the entities they are associated with, these methods of computation then seem to participate in changing power dynamics: Facebook, Curiosity’s wheels, Israeli security services, and Nutella become temporarily stronger than Trump-spamming supporters, sharp Martian pebbles, West Bank potential “terrorists,” and palm oil scandals, respectively.

Scholars of Science & Technology Studies (STS) – a subfield of sociology that aims at documenting the co-constitution of science, technology and the collective world – nowadays tend to study algorithms’ propensity to modify power dynamics. What do algorithms do? What do they produce? Where does their strength come from? These are questions my colleagues and I tentatively try to answer. Check out some of my propositions!


Peer-reviewed books

[1] Jaton F (2021) The Constitution of Algorithms: Ground-Truthing, Programming, Formulating. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. [PDF]

Peer-reviewed papers

[13] Jaton F (submitted) Genomics inside out: An ethnographic inquiry into the accreditation of a genomic data analysis platform. Revue d'Anthropologie des Connaissances..

[12] Rettberg JW, Crawford K, Schultz J, Taylor L, Suchman L, Andrejevic M, Gentelet K, Didier E, Jaton F, Li X, Dick S, Chun WHK, Canute M, and Ananny M (2024) An AI Society. Issues in Science and Technology 40(2): 76-88. [PDF]

[11] Jaton F and Sormani P (2023) Enabling ‘AI’? The situated production of commensurabilities. Social Studies of Science 53(5): 625-634. [PDF]

[10] Jaton F (2023) Groundwork for AI: Enforcing a benchmark for neoantigen prediction in personalized cancer immunotherapy. Social Studies of Science 53(5) 787–810. [PDF]

[9] Jaton F and Vinck D (2023) Politicizing algorithms by other means: Toward inquiries for affective dissensions. Perspectives on Science 31(1): 84-118. [PDF]

[8] Jaton F (2022) Éléments pour une sociologie de l’activité de programmation: Inscriptions provisoires, chaînes de référence et indexations. RESET – Recherches en sciences sociales sur Internet 11: Online. [PDF]

[7] Jaton F (2021) Assessing biases, relaxing moralism: On ground-truthing practices in machine learning design and application. Big Data & Society 8(1): 20539517211013569. [PDF]

[6] Jaton F (2019) « Pardonnez cette platitude » : de l’intérêt des ethnographies de laboratoire pour l’étude des processus algorithmiques. Zilsel – Science, technique, société 5: 315-43. [PDF]

[5] Vinck D, Camus A, Jaton F, Oberhauser PN (2018) Localités distribuées, globalités localisées : Actions, actants et médiations au service de l’ethnographie du numérique. Symposium 22(1): 41-60. [PDF]

[4] Jaton F (2017) We get the algorithms of our ground truths: Designing referential databases in digital image processing. Social Studies of Science 46(7): 811-40. [PDF]

[3] Jaton F and Vinck D (2016) Unfolding frictions in database projects. Revue d'anthropologie des connaissances 10(4) : a-m. DOI : 10.3917/rac.033.a. [PDF]

[2] Jaton F et Vinck D (2016) Processus frictionnels de mises en bases de données. Revue d’Anthropologie des Connaissances 10(4): 489-501. [PDF]

[1] Jaton F y Vinck D (2016) Procesos friccionales de puesta en bases de datos. Revue d'anthropologie des connaissances 10(4) : I-XVI.[PDF]

In the Press/On the Web

[21] Ethnographie de l’intelligence artificielle, interview/podcast for the Radio Télévision Suisse (Tribu), 28 février 2024.

[20] Pourquoi la saga OpenAI aboutit au triomphe des partisans d'une accélération de l'Intelligence artificielle, interview in the Swiss newspaper Le Temps, 23 November 2023. [PDF]

[19] Pour une explicitation généralisée du développement algorithmique : conception-problématisation et diffusion-performance, note for Permanences critiques, November 2023. [PDF]

[18] Problématiser les algorithmes : théorie informatique et construction sociale, note for Décodage – le blog de l’ASSH, April 2023

[17] Julie Patarin-Jossec – La fabrique de l'astronaute, review note for La Revue d'Anthropologie des Connaissances, February 2023. [PDF]

[16] Florian Jaton, The Constitution of Algorithms. Ground-Truthing, Programming, Formulating, review of my book in La Revue d'Anthropologie des Connaissances, December, 2022

[15] De la centralité des bases de données “ground truth” dans la construction des systèmes algorithmiques, note for the French magazine SILO - Agora des pensée critiques, September, 2022. [PDF]

[14] Florian Jaton on his book, The Constitution of Algorithms, interview for the the CaMP Anthropology network, 23 May, 2022

[13] Les algorithmes, enjeu majeur du rachat de Twitter par Elon Musk, interview in the Swiss newspaper Le Temps, 27 April, 2022. [PDF]

[12] Curiosity and Anti-Economy: A Response to Florian Jaton, review note by Emma Stamm, for the Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective, 18 April, 2022. [PDF]

[11] The Constitution of Algorithms, interview podcast for the New Books Network, 16 March, 2022.

[10] Here’s how algorithms are made, review of my book on TheNextWeb, 27 February, 2022.

[9] How algorithms come into being, review of my book on TechTalks, 21 February, 2022.

[8] Matters of social epistemology: A comment on Emma Stamm's review, review note for the Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective, 18 January 2022. [PDF]

[7] De la division du travail algorithmique, review of my book in the French newspaper Libération, 27 October, 2021. [PDF]

[6] Salience Machines, review of my book on the Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective, 3 September, 2021. [PDF]

[5] L’assemblée des algorithmes, review of my book on La Vie des Idées, 23 August, 2021. [PDF]

[4] Les uns et les autres, Uniscope N°635, July 2018, p.2

[3] Dr. Florian Jaton wins the “Société Académique Vaudoise” Prize, Newsletter of the Institute of Digital Humanities, EPFL

[2] Florian Jaton, Lauréat du Prix SAV 2018, Newsletter of the University of Lausanne

[1] Un ethnologue dans la photo, Uniscope N°530, November 2014, pp. 6-7

Keynote lectures/Invited talks

[20] Jaton F (2024) Socio-technical history of Generative Pre-Trained Transformers (GPTs): a primer. Tech Week 2024. Geneva Graduate Institute, Geneva, 4-6 March.

[19] Jaton F (2023) Examining algorithms in the light of their ground-truth datasets: Results, critique, and avenues of reflection. The politics of machine learning evaluation workshop and conference. Institute for Advanced Studies, Amsterdam, 16-17 November.

[18] Jaton F (2023) Enabling ‘AI’? The Situated Production of Commensurabilities Artificial Intelligence as factor and consequence of societal change: Final Conference. Schaufler Lab, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany, 28-30 September.

[17] Jaton F (2023) On ground truths, biases, and morality in machine learning design and application. NEOMA Research Day: Harnessing the Power of AI, NEOMA Business School, Paris, 2 June.

[16] Jaton F (2023) Groundwork for AI: Enforcing a benchmark for neoantigen prediction in personalized cancer immunotherapy. Robert-K.-Merton-Zentrum für Wissenschaftsforschung's seminar series, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin/Online, 3 May.

[15] Jaton F (2023) Examining algorithms in the light of their ground-truth datasets: Results, critique, and avenues of reflection. DiPLab Seminar Series, Telecom Paris/Online, 29 March.

[14] Jaton F (2023) What can Lab Studies say about algorithmic life? STS York seminar series, Toronto/Online, 21 March.

[13] Jaton F (2022) Ethiques de l’intelligence artificielle. Analyse terrestre et pistes de réflexion. Journée de formation des Commissions d’éthique de la Suisse romande, Forum Geneva, 24 November.

[12] Jaton F (2022) The constitution of algorithms: What can 'lab studies' say about algorithmic life? ANSO/IHP conference series, Geneva Graduate Institute, 8 November.

[11] Jaton F (2022) Assessing biases, relaxing moralism: On ground-truthing practices in machine learning design and application. NoBias project Summer School, University of Southampton/Online, 6 September.

[10] Jaton F (2022) On ground-truths and biases: A pragmatist take on the morality of machine learning design and application. AI and the Digitalized Society Conference, University of Helsinki, 23-24 May.

[9] Vertesi J and Jaton F (2022) Shaping Science: Janet Vertesi in Conversation with Florian Jaton. The EthnographicCafé, UC Berkeley/Online, 18 March.

[8] Jaton F (2022) The Constitution of Algorithms. Platform Economies Research Network (PERN) Salon Series, The New School, New York/Online, 24 February. [VIDEO]

[7] Jaton F (2022) Assessing biases, relaxing moralism: On ground-truthing practices in machine learning. AI Ethics & Society Lecture Series, University of Edinburgh/Online, 23 February.

[6] Jaton F (2021) On ground truths, biases, and morality in machine learning design and application. Learning (in) Digital Media Lecture Series, Siegen University/Online, 30 Novembre. [VIDEO]

[5] Jaton F (2021) Les processus frictionnels de bancarisation des données : histoire et sociologie des sciences. Invited speaker to the ‘Programme de recherche sur le partage des données qualitatives à l’ère du numérique’ (PARDOQ), UMR Amure/Online, 31 May.

[4] Jaton F (2021) Intérêt des ethnographies de laboratoire pour l’étude des processus algorithmiques. Invited speaker to the CNRS/LISIS conference on computational social sciences, Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée/Online, 18 May.

[3] Jaton F (2020) On ground-truthing activities, and their contribution to algorithmic finance. Invited speaker to the 2020 Symposium on Technology and Finance, King's College London, FinWorks Futures Center, 20 May.

[2] Jaton F (2019) Les algorithmes mis à nu. Une perspective anthropologique. Invited speaker to the round table organized as part of the symposium "La Rencontre entre la Science, le Droit dans le Numérique," Université de Lausanne, Lausanne, Suisse, 14 February.

[1] Jaton F (2018) Why is there ethnography of algorithms at all? With some elements regarding curious entities called “ground truths”. Keynote lecture at “La iniciativa de Tecnología y Sociedad”, Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia, 26 July.

Conference papers

[11] Jaton F and Männik K (2023) Issues at stake in the national accreditation of a center for genomic data analysis. In: Forum DoPHiS 2023 – Santé personnalisée: Dialogue et prospective., Lausanne 28-29 April, 2023.

[10] Jaton F (2022) Ground-truthing exclusions: Enforcing a benchmark for neoantigen prediction in personalized immuno-oncology. In: 2022 Conference of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST), Madrid, 6-9 July, 2022.

[9] Jaton F (2022) Enforcing a benchmark for neoantigen prediction in personalized immuno-oncology. In: Governance by Infrastructure Workshop and Conference, Lausanne/Online, 17-18 March, 2022.

[8] Jaton F (2021) Ground That: Enforcing a benchmark for neoantigen prediction in precision immuno-oncology. In: Personalized Health and Medicine in Social Sciences and Humanities Perspectives, Lausanne/Online, 5-6 Novembre, 2021.

[7] Jaton F (2021) Assessing biases, relaxing moralism: On ground-truthing practices in machine learning design and application. In: 2021 Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science, Toronto/Online, 6-9 October, 2021.

[6] Jaton F (2020) On supervision arrangements, with an application to the AI bias problem. In: 5th STS-CH Conference, Lausanne, 07-09 September 2020. Event postponed to February 2021 due to the Covid-19 crisis.

[5] Jaton F (2019) Coding in a Lab: Toward a micro-sociology of computer programming. In: 2019 Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science, New Orleans, LA, 03-7 September, 2019.

[4] Jaton F (2017) Ground truths: Designing referential databases for image-processing algorithms. In: 2017 Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science, Boston, MA, 30 August - 2 September, 2017.

[3] Jaton F (2015) Towards the ethnography of computational devices: The performativity of ‘ground truths’ in computer science. In: 2015 Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science, Denver, CO, 11-14 November, 2015.

[2] Jaton F (2015) Résultats préliminaires d’une ethnographie de laboratoire : Comment attester des performances de son algorithme ?. In : 2015 Congrès de la société suisse de sociologie, Lausanne, Suisse, 3-5 June, 2015.

[1] Jaton F (2014) Acteur-réseau, humanités digitales et modes d’existence. In : 2014 Colloque AISLF : Science, Innovation, Technique et Société, Bordeaux, France, 9-11 July, 2014.

Seminar presentations

[21] Jaton F (2024) Ground-truth datasets, or algorithms’ n+1. DHI doctoral workshop 2024, EPFL, Lausanne, 8 February.

[20] Jaton F (2023) Genomics inside out :An inquiry into the national accreditation of a genomic data analysis platform Genome Center research seminar, Campus Biotech, Geneva, 13 February.

[19] Jaton F (2022) Examiner les algorithmes à l’aune de leurs bases de données référentielles. Quelques résultats et pistes de réflexion Research seminar “La science à l'épreuve des données”, Université Paris Cité, Paris, 18 November.

[18] Jaton F (2022) Ethnographies du développement algorithmique: enjeux, méthodes et résultats préliminaires Research seminar “REPINE: les pratiques d’influence”, EHESS, Paris/Online, 1 February.

[17] Jaton F (2022) The Constitution of Algorithms : What can ‘lab studies’ say about algorithmic life VäSTS GU/Chalmers STS Seminar, Chalmers University of Technology/Online, 28 January.

[16] Jaton F (2021) Le 'TESLA challenge', ou comment affirmer un référentiel pour la prédiction des néoantigènes en immuno-oncologie. Research seminar “Digitalisation et santé”, University Lausanne, 4 November.

[15] Jaton F (2021) On ground truths, biases, and morality in machine learning design and application. Fly-High Seminar Series, Online, Stockholm University & KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 7 September.

[14] Jaton F (2019) À propos d'un livre que je vais bientôt soumettre: Comment interagir au mieux avec MIT Press? Research seminar of the Centre de sociologie de l’innovation, Mines ParisTech, 12 March.

[13] Jaton F (2018) Comment documenter les pratiques de calcul? Quelques astuces pour ne pas (trop) s'y perdre. Research seminar of the Centre de sociologie de l’innovation, Mines ParisTech, 9 October.

[12] Jaton F (2017) Calculs électroniques, travail de programmation et cognition(s). Research seminar of the LaDHUL, University of Lausanne, 25 October.

[11] Jaton F (2016) Out of the water. What is the territory of salient object detection? (part 4) Research seminar of the Image & Visual Representation Lab, EPFL, 13 décembre.

[10] Jaton F (2016) Computation in a Lab. Designing ground truths for image-processing algorithms. Research seminar of the EVOKE Lab & Studio, University of California, Irvine, 14 April.

[9] Jaton F (2015) Entering the water. What is the territory of salient object detection? (part 3) Research seminar of the Image & Visual Representation Lab, EPFL, 15 December.

[8] Jaton F (2015) Shaping a diving board. What is the territory of salient object detection? (part 2) Research seminar of the Image & Visual Representation Lab, EPFL, 5 May.

[7] Jaton F (2015) Under the water. What is the territory of salient object detection? (part 1) Research seminar of the Image & Visual Representation Lab, EPFL, 1st of March.

[6] Jaton F (2015) Opening the black box of computational photography. An ethnography of computational photography. Research seminar of the STS Lab, University of Lausanne, 28 October.

[5] Jaton F (2014) Résultats préliminaires d’enquête. Le concept de ‘ground truth’ en traitement de l’image digitale. Research seminar of the LaDHUL, University of Lausanne, 10 Novembre.

[4] Jaton F (2014) Quelques raisons de ne pas enquêter sur le façonnage d’artefacts digitaux (et de le faire quand même). STS Doctoral Workshop, University of Geneva, 26 September.

[3] Jaton F (2014) Exploring computational photography. (Very) First diplomatic propositions. Research seminar of the Image & Visual Representation Lab, EPFL, 23 June.

[2] Jaton F (2013) Acteur-réseau, humanités digitales et modes d’existence. DH Lab doctoral workshop, EPFL, 1st of Novembre.

[1] Jaton F (2013) Accounting for computational photography. A diplomatic experiment. Research seminar of the Image & Visual Representation Lab, EPFL, 1st of November.


[2] Jaton F (2017) The Constitution of Algorithms. Ground-Truthing, Programming, Formulating. PhD Thesis, University of Lausanne, Switzerland. Winner of 2018 Société Académique Vaudoise Award for the Best PhD Thesis of the University of Lausanne. PhD committee: prof. Nicky Lefeuvre (UNIL), prof. Dominique Vinck (UNIL), prof. Sabine Süsstrunk (EPFL), Dr. David Pontille (Mines ParisTech), Dr. Olivier Glassey (UNIL), Prof. Geoffrey C. Bowker (UCI)

[1] Jaton F (2013) Ethnographie d'un projet d'architecture. Une expérimentation sur le mode de l'acteur-réseau. Master Thesis, University of Lausanne, Switzerland.


[13] Jaton F (2015) Designing "ground truths" in an asset management firm: An inquiry into algorithmic finance. Project report, CSI - Mines Paris & Swiss National Science Foundation, November 16, 2020.

[12] Jaton F (2015) Encore une base de données sur des manuscrits ! Approches pragmatiques des manuscrits de la mer Morte. Miméo, compte rendu de l’exposé de David Hamidovic lors du séminaire du LaDHUL du 26 mars 2015.

[11] Jaton F (2015) Représentation de la migration non-documentée tunisienne (harga) sur Internet. Approches méthodologiques pour une anthropologie de Facebook. Miméo, compte rendu de l’exposé de Monica Salzbrunn et Simon Mastrangelo lors du séminaire du LaDHUL du 3 mars 2015.

[10] Jaton F (2015) Big Data : À qui profite le Même ? Miméo, compte rendu de l’exposé de Sami Coll lors du séminaire du LaDHUL du 15 février 2015.

[9] Jaton F (2014) Du corpus numérisé au matériau. L’exemple du Montreux Jazz Digital Project. Miméo, compte rendu de l’exposé d'Alexandre Camus lors du séminaire du LaDHUL du 11 décembre 2014.

[8] Jaton F (2014) Big Data Challenges, Opportunities and Avenues of Research. Miméo, compte rendu de l’exposé de Periklis Andritsos lors du séminaire du LaDHUL du 24 novembre 2014.

[7] Jaton F (2014) Du jeu de données à la multiplication des sources. Remise en cause d’un paradigme de recherche ?. Miméo, compte rendu de l’exposé de Dominique Joye lors du séminaire du LaDHUL du 28 octobre 2014

[6] Jaton F (2014) Constitution d’une base de données de dessins de dieux réalisés par des enfants. Miméo, compte rendu de l’exposé de Pierre-Yves Brandt lors du séminaire du LaDHUL du 29 avril 2014.

[5] Jaton F (2014) Approches sociologiques des bases de données. Miméo, compte rendu de l’exposé de Dominique Vinck et Pierre-Nicolas Oberhauser lors du séminaire du LaDHUL du 31 mars 2014.

[4] Jaton F (2014) Le projet Lumières.Lausanne. Miméo, compte rendu de l’exposé de Bela Kapossy et Marion Rivoal lors du séminaire du LaDHUL du 20 mars 2014.

[3] Jaton F (2014) Bases de données relationnelles (notions et souvenirs d’un amateur): une approche STS. Miméo, compte rendu de l’exposé d'Andréas Perret lors du séminaire du LaDHUL du 30 janvier 2014.

[2] Jaton F (2013) Mémoires Falashas. Miméo, compte rendu de l’exposé de Charlotte Touati lors du séminaire du LaDHUL du 3 décembre 2013.

[1] Jaton F (2013) Bases de données en sciences humaines: création et pérennisation. Miméo, compte rendu de l’exposé de Nicolas Bugnon lors du séminainre du LaDHUL du 30 septembre 2013.


At the end of 2017, I completed my PhD in Social Study of Science & Technology at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland. In May 2018, I was surprised to see that this thesis was awarded the 2018 Société Académique Vaudoise Prize for the Best PhD Thesis of the University of Lausanne. Quite an honnor. If you’re interested in this work, you can get an extended (though cryptic) summary here. If you want more information, don't hesitate to contact me.

From 2018 to 2020, I ran a postdoctoral project on algorithmic finance at the Centre de Sociologie de l'Innovation under the supervision of Fabian Muniesa. From 2020 to 2023, I have been working for an interdisciplinary project - led by prof. Francesco Panese - on the development of personalized medicine at the University of Lausanne. I now work as a researcher and lecturer at the Tech Hub, Geneva Graduate Institute.

I previously got a Master in Political Science and a Bachelor in Philosophy and Literature. But I guess the easiest way to introduce myself professionally is to let you see my resume, is it not?